Sunday, November 6, 2016

A Horrible Razor Experience


So I finally decided not to be a broke bitch and actually buy a pricier razor than my Schick Disposables. It's one of those purchases you always put off because you're afraid of the unknown aka wasting your money. Well, needless to say, my worst leg shaving fears came true. My experience was so horrible I actually felt the need to blog about a damn razor!

Meet Schick Hydro Silk

Schick Hydro Silk

He's a tricky little fellow. You see, I chose to buy him because he was the more expensive version of what I currently use. My cheap Schick razors actually work pretty well but have a couple tiny flaws that I thought their big brother would probably fix.

I get him in the shower and apply my shaving cream as usual. I begin to shave with him and the first thing I noticed was the only positive thing I can say about this damn thing. He felt so buttery smooth against my leg as I shaved. Yes buttery was the exact word that came to my mind in that moment. I seriously considered I didn't need shaving cream to use this thing.

Then I rinsed my leg off...



Now I wanted a razor that shaved close to the skin but not one that shaved so close that my shins and knees felt like they were on fire! Before you all judge me, I did exfoliate my legs the day before with a coconut scrub and I use lotion everyday!

But wait, there's more...

I decided to continue to my other areas just out of curiosity and because I done threw my old razor away. Let me just tell you, the thing was not made to shave in the downstairs area. The head of the razor was way to big to shave down there and had me in fear I was going to cut myself. Needless to say, I finished that routine half assed.

The last attempt to do this razor any justice was my arm pits. This is probably the thickest hair on my body and usually the most stubborn to completely remove. I said to myself, "Well this razor has like 6 blades on it, so it's got to be the best razor I will ever use to remove my thick dark under arm stubble."


It didn't do any better than a razor with 3 or 4 blades. Like c'mon, are you for real? I thought that is why there were more blades. I thought this is what I was spending my hard earned dollars on. I couldn't even tell my boyfriend because I didn't want to hear I told you so!
Lesson of the story, don't bitch about having to buy the cheap-o's.

P.S. Baby you were right ;)


  1. Oh no! I've never used that one but I've actually looked at it a few times when I've been in the shaving aisle and wondered about it. My skin is so sensitive I just didn't now about it so I kept putting it off. Glad I did now!

  2. Haha, I do agree we cringe at the thought of buying something that costs more money. Many times, it just is worth it though.

  3. This is so true. I stick with the disposable cheap o ones. Usually what I end up getting free or almost free with coupons & deals.

  4. Thank you so much for this review! I was going to pick this shaver up this week when I went shopping. But now I can save money. Thank you again!
